
Friday, September 7, 2007

Paranormal Ideas

Paranormal activity can happen anywhere any day or night and at any time. The question is do you believe in what you have experienced? Do you believe in what someone else has experienced?

Ghosts, aliens, and outer body experiences are not typical daily events. Religious figures (good and bad) are very much discussed. Are religious figures paranormal? Have we seen any of them?

Scientists are usually of no faith, do they believe in paranormal activities?

Ghosts and aliens are always lurking in some one's life while others claim to have outer body experiences and travel to other planes of existence where they encounter many different paranorms.

What about animals? Do they really feel the presence of a ghost? Do they get abducted by aliens? Sounds silly to think about ... or is it?

What about the ouija bord? Sylvia Brown? Coast to Coast and it's listeners?

The ouija bord has come to be known as a trouble maker either during or after using it. Sylvia Brown has become well known for her ability to speak with her spirit guide and for telling the future. Is she for real? She is fun and I do enjoy her ideas and she obviously has a large following around her so I guess I am still learning if this is for real.

Coast to Coast is amazing with all topics a green light go. They cover everything and anything each night of the week 365 days per year with call in's and all kinds of experienced guests.

Paranormal topics have been proven with pictures and stories for centuries from all people which makes it fun and interesting any day.



Loch Ness Monster??


Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Dark Conspiracies and Extraterrestrial Secrets, Part 1

The US government has a secret. It's one of those deep dark dirty little secrets. And they don't want the public to know about it. It could be worse then the ludicrous conspiracy theory that our own government was behind the Kennedy assassination. It's more perplexing than the unlikely proposal that the Apollo Moon landings were frauds and staged here on Earth.

It could even be more dangerous then the Holocaust denialists position that the Nazis didn't instigate the slaughter of several millions of Jews, which nonchalantly suggests that most of them emigrated or escaped to other countries instead. Fortunately, these claims are absolutely improbable, and this other little secret is more plausible, and yet quite incredible. In fact, numerous witnesses will attest to its reality.

I'm talking about Uncle Sam's throwing a blanket over the whole UFO phenomenon, and they've been playing cloak-and-dagger scenarios ever since the 1947 Roswell incident. They have been desperately attempting the suppression of this astounding reality that we already know about anyway. But as much as we know, or think we know, the government is still trying to hide something regarding this whole business. But what? What is left to uncover that we don't know already -- and that they don't want us to know? To answer this, I'll have to lead up to it rather cautiously -- just in case "they" are listening.

Alright, folks, it seems as if the government wants us to believe all UFO sightings or alien encounters and such related occurrences are hoaxes, and that conspiracy theorists and crackpots in general are distributing blatant lies. They say that those claiming to be victims are just weaving wild yarns that's pretty much science fiction. Is this what's really going on, that we've got a lot of tall tale tellers and blatant liars and clever hoaxers? Or are we observing a mixture of truth and lies? Is the government trying to confuse the holy heck out of us in order to cover up what's really going on?

Shortly after 1947, the year of the famous saucer crash near Roswell, New Mexico, countless UFO groups began cropping up, consisting of basic enthusiasts, eyewitnesses, and serious investigators. The government and military alike saw these groups as dangerous threats to national security, because they had the knowledge and ability to expose too much information to the public.

There once existed a government campaign to make the whole UFO phenomenon appear ridiculous. The first team to initiate this strategy was formed in 1953, instigated by the CIA. The plan was to neutralize UFO enthusiasm, to literally defuse what they believed was an emotional time bomb that could explode at any moment and rile up the masses, spreading panic everywhere -- especially if members of the UFO groups happened to grab a hold of dangerous information that they had no business possessing. Not to mention UFO sighters and alien abductees might discover something they shouldn't and then tell everyone what they know.

The government had a serious dilemma on their hands, because holding onto their precious secrets was not easy. They were determined to make the plan work, to alleviate the public’s thrill and excitement in UFOs and aliens, and especially to discredit the swiftly growing UFO groups. For example, through cheesy B Movies and television shows, the submitting of propaganda articles in various magazines, tabloids and other publications, this misinformation group was attempting to relegate UFO enthusiasm to a mere trivial pursuit, a waste of time, and to remind people they had better things to do in life. This clever ploy had the makings of a good convincing argument. As I see it, if you can scare them, then scare the holy bejeebers out of them.

If you can't, then guilt them into it. If sending phony Men in Black agents out with manipulative silencing techniques won't change the public's mind, then give them a guilt complex. Perhaps they'll realize they have better things to do than chase UFOs and little grey men around. Especially when countless UFO sightings are “proven” to be hoaxes (as stated by the government), and outlandish alien stories are found in the tabloids. Not to mention some pretty far-fetched UFO movies really make your eyes roll up in your head -- like Plan 9 from Outer Space. Heck, I'm seriously thinking about dropping the whole subject myself! Or should I refuse to let their brainwashing techniques get to me?

So far, through this campaign of conspiracies, many of these cunning tactics have worked -- against many, but not all. There are a handful of die-hard enthusiasts and UFOlogists and investigators still out on the hunt. And there are countless conspiracy theorists who are more than likely propagating exaggerated stories -- perhaps they were sent out by this CIA UFO-diffusion group. Sometimes you just don't know who to believe, or who to trust.

Throughout the years, witnesses have also been frightened by the ominous Men in Black, which is quite possibly a covert operation initiated by the government to further quell the UFO phenomenon. You don't want close-encounters-of-the-third-kind whackos or alien abductees running around spreading rumors, so it makes perfect sense to send out sinister strangers in dark suits to shut them up. This kind of clandestine action helps the government in keeping its big secret.

The Truth behind Men in Black by Jenny Randles
The Day After Roswell by Col. Philip J. Corso
Saucers of the Illuminati by Jim Keith
Dreamland, a documentary about Area 51, on DVD

Copyright 2007 by R. R. Stark -- All Rights Reserved

The preceding article is from "Strange Reports from Zones Unknown," a collection of accounts involving the paranormal, Ufology, conspiracy theories, cover-ups, and other intriguing topics of the weird and unusual. You can find further articles and short stories written by R. R. Stark at:

Strange Reports from Zones Unknown:

R. R. Stark’s Strange and Curious Stories: