
Monday, August 27, 2007

A Short History of Astrology

Author: Rose

Try to imagine life thousands of years ago… no electricity, gas or level of understanding of the world around us that we have today.

We would have been dependent on the Sun to provide warmth and light and would have awaited its' return each morning after it had mysteriously disappeared each evening.

While the Sun had disappeared and taken its' light and warmth with it, the Moon would have provided at least some vision on most nights. Obviously, a moonless night would be very dark whereas a night with a Full Moon would at least give some night vision.

If we were still reliant on the Sun for warmth/light and the Moon for night vision then we would probably find the changes and activities associated with the Sun and Moon much more prominent in our lives right now.

After a period of time the Moon's cycle would have become apparent… New Moon, First Quarter, Full Moon, Third Quarter and then to New Moon again. I know that if I noticed this pattern with the Moon, that I would want to find out whether or not other celestial objects followed a cycle too.

During the process of following the movement of the planets, records were kept by the astronomer/astrologers (these fields didn't become individual ones until the late 17th century). Eventually it was discovered that the position of the planets seemed to relate to activities here on earth. Welcome to the birth of astrology!

Of course the astrology that began thousands of years ago was not what we have now. It went through a process of development and fine-tuning. In a broad sense astrology went through three stages of development: the first stage where planetary positions/movements were related to events on earth; the second stage where the zodiac is used; and the third stage where personal charts made an appearance.

Stage One: How it All Began… (I think!)

The earliest known practice of astrology, the origin of western astrology, is evident in the Mesopotamian region during the Sumerian civilization (3000 BC), also known as the Old Babylonian period. This consisted of observations of stars and the planets, but not the use of houses or the zodiac.

The oldest astrological document still in existence is the work "Namar-Beli" (Illumination of Bel) composed in cuneiform for King Sargon I (end of the third millenium BC).

Stage Two: Welcome to the Zodiac!

From Stage One where the movement of the planets were noted in relation to each other, it looks as though astronomer/astrologers from about 630 to 450 BC began to divide the ecliptic into twelve zodiac signs of 30 degrees each. It is thought that this system was developed by the Late Babylonians.

Stage Three

The next stage of astrological development involved the use of the personal horoscope. The oldest birth chart that has been professionally dated is one written in cuneiform for April 29, 410 BC. The zodiac positions recorded in the horoscopes that have survived these periods are closer to the sidereal astrology rather than the tropical.


Article Source:

About the Author:

Rose, a proud member of Universal Psychic Guild, has been actively involved in astrology for the last twenty years. She also practices dream interpretation. This psychic article originally appears on the site.


Monday, August 20, 2007

Can You See Ghost??

There was something awesome in the thought of the solitary mortal standing by the open window and summoning in from the gloom outside the spirits of the nether world. - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Do you have a unique awareness that is completely unrelated to your five senses? Do you sometimes know things, yet you cannot explain how you know them? It is said that some individuals are so exceptionally sensitive to their environment, they can perceive what most cannot-- disembodied spirits. Perhaps, you are one of these “exceptional” people. All cultures have legends, told in hushed voices, as the tellers look fearfully around. They speak of spirits who cling tenaciously to this world. They are no longer of this earth, yet they remain among the living; sadly unaware they are dead. In the “scare you to death” movie, the Sixth Sense, this was the explanation given for ghostly visitations. According to the movie, a few “gifted” individuals are capable of perceiving these ostensibly unwelcome spirits. Unfortunately, since I missed the first few minutes of the movie, Bruce’s lack of respiration came as a heart stopping revelation to me, just as it did to poor, wretched, dead Bruce Willis. Oops, sorry, I forgot, his heart had already stopped. Are you a ghost magnet such as the mendacious, beleaguered semi-heroine of Ghost, Whoopi Goldberg?

Are spirits powerless to move on because of a thirst for revenge, a desire to protect the living, or, perhaps, because of a horribly brutal death? We have no definitive answers for these questions. Sane, responsible individuals have reported encountering these displaced spirits. Eleanor Mondale (daughter of the former vice-president) insists a ghost visited her one night at the vice-president’s house (Evans & Huyghe, 2000). It is said, that Presidents Abraham Lincoln and James Garfield did not “leave the building” when their terms expired. They are still there, alarming unsuspecting guests. Why do some visitors see the illustrious former presidents and others do not? Are you one of the special people who could see Honest Abe or feel his ghostly presence? Let’s take the test and see. Hush. Wait. Did you hear that noise?

The “Can You See Ghosts” Test

1. Have you ever known the phone was going to ring before it rang?

Yes___ No___

2. Have you ever felt a sudden chill in a room, when there was no apparent reason?

Yes___ No___

3. Have you ever seen anything that could not be explained by science and logic?

Yes___ No___

4. Have you ever felt you were being watched when you were alone?

Yes___ No___

5. Have you ever had a vision or a dream that came true?

Yes___ No___

6. Have you ever had a successful session with a Ouija Board?

Yes___ No___

7. Do you have an open mind about the supernatural?

Yes___ No___

8. Would you refuse to spend the night in a “haunted” house?

Yes___ No___

9. Do you meditate?

Yes___ No___

10. Have you retained the childlike ability, simply to “accept” new experiences without distorting preconceptions?

Yes___ No___

11. Are you more likely to make decisions using your “gut feeling” than your “thinking logic?”

Yes___ No___

12. Have you ever been told that psychic ability runs in your family?

Yes___ No___

13. Do you wear black 90% (or more) of the time?

Yes___ No___

Scoring your test:

Give yourself one point for each “yes” answer. As for question “13,” I was just kidding. I wear black much of the time…but then, now that I think about it, there was that time I was alone in my 100 year-old farmhouse, and I heard… Perhaps, I will share that in the next book.

Understanding your Score:

Scores 1 – 4

Your psychic ability has not been fully developed. Perhaps, your personality is rational and pragmatic and you prefer to see “phenomena” that can be explained by logic. However, if you are interested in improving you psychic ability you can practice meditation and open yourself up to new experiences. There are on-line sites that offer information about and guidance in the fascinating world of the supernatural, such as , which has a virtual Ouija Board. Werner Heisenberg (Physics and Philosophy: The Revolution in Modern Science) wrote, “… many new elementary particles may be created from the available energy and the old particles may have disappeared…” In other words, something dies and something new is created from its residual energy. Makes sense to me. Is this a possible explanation for the presence of ghosts…if, indeed, they exist? See, logic and reason…

Scores 5 – 8

You are coming along quite nicely. Your score indicates that you are open to unique experiences and you esteem an open, inquisitive mind. You may have experienced the supernatural. Perhaps, you would like to enhance this area of your personality by learning more about spirits. Here are several fascinating sites:

Scores 9 – 12

It is certainly possible that you have psychic ability. Your score is very encouraging. You, as well as the last group, may have experienced the supernatural. It would be a pity if you did not learn more about this enthralling subject and about your innate ability. Look at the sites listed and perhaps take a ghost tour, plan a vacation to spots that are rumored to be haunted and read some scholarly books on the paranormal. Good ghost hunting!

Our Guest Experts

Dr. David Oester, of the International Ghost Hunters Society was kind enough to provide this information (personal e-mail) on key character traits for a ghost hunter.

“It has been our experience over the last combined 28 years of ghost research that the people who have experiences with ghosts are those with an open mind and those with a closed mind, as in total skeptic, fail to have any experiences. It is okay to be skeptical, but a skeptic's mind is closed to anything paranormal. An open mind is the only characteristic that we have discovered. We had have over 4 million visitors to our site and all of them with experiences if married, and their spouse is closed minded will not have any experiences with the paranormal. This open mindedness spans race, color, creed or sexual orientation and equally so, those that are closed minded are closed to any kind of paranormal experiences.”

Wendy Haver, a Spiritual Counselor, from Rocky Mountain Paranormal Research Society, was kind enough to provide more insight (personal e-mail) into the personality of ghost hunters. “Many seem to be more open to having such experiences occur. Not that they believe in ghosts necessarily, but will admit to it being a possibility.

Education level does not seem to be a factor, but intelligence might be. Those of an average or slightly less than average intelligence seem not to report as much activity as those of a higher intelligence or those of a significantly altered intelligence such as mental retardation (higher functioning so as to be able to report events)

Age may not be a factor but the environment in which they were raised does seem to factor. This has changed over time and so it will skew any age related reports.

One must take into consideration those who have had experiences vs. those who are willing to report their experiences. There are many who will not openly admit to such things. Therefore, you could say that being willing to talk about this sets them apart.”

When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. …Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Last night I stayed up late playing poker with Tarot cards. I got a full house and four people died. - Steven Wright

Dr.McCoy is a psychotherapist, writer and police consultant. Her published books are: From Shyness to Social Butterfly, The Ultimate Book of Personality Tests (the article is from this book), and The Manipulative Man. She resides in Columbia, South Carolina with her Great Dane, Sophie. She can be reached at


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Can Ghosts Hurt you or Actually Touch you?

Ghosts are usually conceived as vestiges of the dead who have not been able to pass entirely into the heavenly (or infernal) realms. Ghost-hunting researchers encounter entities that seem to have some kind of post-life trauma. Ghosts have died cruel or shocking deaths, witnessed terrible things before they died, lost something very dear to them which they still cling to after death.

Perhaps the film, Ghost, with Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg, is not a perfect paradigm of what Ghosts really are, but it does have some things in common with the above definition. Swayze, like the Ghosts we speak of, is hanging around because of the cruel manner of its death and that it could bring some kind of danger to his girlfriend. Patrick’s lingering on Earth is a temporary phenomenon, often due to trauma or to hanging onto one’s surroundings. Some accounts of Ghosts would say that Ghosts are often just fragments of better, more whole personalities that have not passed on to other dimensions of the Afterlife.

The film Ghost may be flawed in many ways, but perhaps it can give us some framework for addressing some of the questions about the reality and behavior of Ghosts as addressed through historical anecdote, contemporary reports, parapsychological studies and ghost-hunting. For instance, in the film, Swayze learns to influence matter from a strange, half-insane ghost on a subway.

In fact, can Ghosts hurt you or actually touch you? I would say that many people believe that Ghosts can touch you and some say they can hurt you and even kill you. Many people report a ghostly touch. For instance, Molly Stewart, licensed with the International Ghost Hunters Society, reports that Ghosts have reportedly pulled the hair of guests on her Salem, Massachusetts tour. Ghosts pull the hair In China, for instance, Ghosts killed by drowning are said to kill people in order to prevent them from reincarnating.

In general, Ghosts seems to be making contact because they are “stuck” in some pattern, expressing their pain or fear- or sometimes. Like Swayze as he reaches out to Moore in the film, Ghosts actually want to tell us something, something as strange as how they were killed or to assure us about something. But not everyone has the same degree of sensitivity to them.

It would seem, if you believe Sylvia Browne, that disembodied spirits, including releatives, are very close to this world. And, they attempt contact a lot, but we do not recognize it. In other, more tribal, shamanistic cultures that contact is perhaps more frequent and expected but these cultures don’t necessarily keep written records in any quantity so it may be difficult to know.

Perhaps with our EMF and “white noise” machines, science is coming closer to some kind of answer about contacting Ghosts? Why hasn’t it found that answer yet? Well, looking for Ghosts might be compared to wanting to study sea creatures at a certain depth, but not having the science of submersibles developed enough to be able to go there securely and stay long enough to take photographs. The Ghosts are there but we don’t have the technology.

Teresa Edwards is the author of "The Most Haunted Secrets" - the ultimate guide to how psychics communicate with spirit world. For more details visit The Most Haunted Secrets.


Saturday, August 11, 2007

What is Your Weird Tale???


Thursday, August 9, 2007

Do you ever feel like someone is watching you??

I do alot. Does this mean that our house is haunted?? I am not sure, but I do hear weird noises in the sttic and see stuff out of the corner of my eyes that when I look is not there. My family feels the same way.

Any advice???


Tuesday, August 7, 2007

How Does One Become A Ghost?

Ghosts have always been a mysterious and fear evoking topic for most of us. Fear of the unknown’ has affected every individual on this Earth since ages. The Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF) has conducted research into the subtle world for the past 20 years with the objective to bridge the gap between the known and the unknown.

What are ghosts?

When a person dies only his physical body ceases to exist. His subtle body (consisting of the subconscious mind, intellect, ego and soul, i.e. minus the physical body) continues to exist and moves on to the other subtle regions of the Universe.

A human being is comprised of:

The Soul
The mental body or the mind
The causal body or the intellect
The supracausal body or the subtle ego
The Vital body
The Physical body

What happens after death?

When one dies, the vital energy is released back into the Universe. The physical body remains on Earth while the subtle body travels to a subtle plane depending on its merits or sins and its spiritual level.

If the spiritual level is lower the subtle body becomes heavy due to sins and excessive ego and as a result gets stuck in lower subtle planes of existence such as the nether world. If the sins are intense then the subtle body goes to hell and may exist there as subtle body or ghost.

This means that ghosts are subtle bodies of people who have passed away having unfulfilled desires such as cravings for sex, alcohol (things that they can only experience through a physical body), revenge, etc.

The subtle body of a person after physical death is defined as a ghost if their characteristics and intentions match the above. There is no special process as such which they go through to become a ghost.

What decides where do we go in the after-life?

When we die, our course in the after-life is decided by a number of factors such as:

The type of deeds done during the life-time.
The extent and the type of spiritual practice one has undertaken during lifetime.
The type of death – natural and peaceful, violent or accidental and the type of funeral conducted.
The rituals as per Spiritual Science done by the descendants after death to help the deceased in the after life.

Who are likely to become ghosts?
People are likely to become ghosts after their death when

They have many unfulfilled desires and many negative impressions in the mind.
Many personality defects, such as anger, fear, greed, etc.
A high amount of ego.
They have harmed others and have the basic nature of harming others.
Lack of spiritual practice consisting of progressive level of surrender of mind, body and intellect done with the intention of God-realization.

Only people who have reached the 60% spiritual level and have low ego are able to proceed to the higher regions of heaven and beyond and do not become ghosts. The rest of humanity, when they die, finds themselves in the regions of the Nether world and Hell. Most subtle bodies in the Nether region are highly likely to become ghosts. All subtle bodies in Hell are ghosts.

In fact, even if one is a gentleman but doesn’t have enough spiritual strength through spiritual practice, he is liable to become a ghost when he dies. This is because he is attacked by higher level ghosts and is controlled by them.

Performing adequate spiritual practice as per the 5 basic principles while alive ensures spiritual progress and greatly decreases the possibility of becoming a ghost.

To learn more about ghosts, please visit:


Monday, August 6, 2007

Paranormal Ideas

Paranormal activity can happen anywhere any day or night and at any time. The question is do you believe in what you have experienced? Do you believe in what someone else has experienced?

Ghosts, aliens, and outer body experiences are not typical daily events. Religious figures (good and bad) are very much discussed. Are religious figures paranormal? Have we seen any of them?

Scientists are usually of no faith, do they believe in paranormal activities?

Ghosts and aliens are always lurking in some one's life while others claim to have outer body experiences and travel to other planes of existence where they encounter many different paranorms.

What about animals? Do they really feel the presence of a ghost? Do they get abducted by aliens? Sounds silly to think about ... or is it?

What about the ouija bord? Sylvia Brown? Coast to Coast and it's listeners?

The ouija bord has come to be known as a trouble maker either during or after using it. Sylvia Brown has become well known for her ability to speak with her spirit guide and for telling the future. Is she for real? She is fun and I do enjoy her ideas and she obviously has a large following around her so I guess I am still learning if this is for real.

Coast to Coast is amazing with all topics a green light go. They cover everything and anything each night of the week 365 days per year with call in's and all kinds of experienced guests.

Paranormal topics have been proven with pictures and stories for centuries from all people which makes it fun and interesting any day.
